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Monday, 14 July 2014
Chinese Muslims In Malaysia : Haji Ibrahim Ma Tian Ying
Chinese Muslims in Malaysia / 马来西亚华人穆斯林

by Rosey Wang Ma
In the more recent history of Malaysia, Haji Ibrahim Ma Tian Ying [馬 天 英] stands out as the person who contributed most in introducing Islam to the Chinese people, for the first time in the Chinese language. This writing will briefly highlight a few aspects of his life and work pertaining to propagating Islam.
Haji Ibrahim Ma, from a long-standing Muslim family in Beijing (originally from ShanDong) first came to Malaysia in 1938-1940 as head of a three member Chinese Muslim Goodwill Delegation to the Southeast Asia region. The two other members were Wu JianXun [誤建勳] and Ma DaWu [馬達吾]. During one and a half year’s period, the delegation covered many places and met many people.In Malaysia they went to all the States including Sabah and Sarawak. Everywhere they went they were accorded warm welcome and grand receptions both by the Malays and the Chinese. The local Chinese thus had first hand information about Islam and Muslims in China. During this successful trip, Haji Ibrahim secured many friendships among dignitaries and the general public which would prove to be very useful when he came again to this country.
Haji Ibrahim Ma came back to Malaysia in 1948, this time with his family and as the Consul General of Ipoh sent by the Kuomintang (Guo Min Dang) government. He had with him his wife Feng Yun Xia [馮雲霞 ], his three daughters and two sons. During the short period of his tenure at this office, Haji Ibrahim Ma not only played with great success his role as a diplomat, but, at every occasion he also showed to the local Chinese a very positive profile of a progressive Chinese Muslim.When China fell to communist rule, the Consulate closed down. Haji Ibrahim chose not to go to Taiwan to join the government, and stayed in Malaysia.
After a few years trying his hand in rice mill and other businesses, he joined his two daughters in Singapore and lived there for a couple of years. In 1957 Malaysia gained independence from the British. In 1961, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj extended Haji Ibrahim an invitation to come back to Malaysia to assist him in an important aspect of nation building.Tunku had the vision that if more Chinese were to understand Islam, or better still, became Muslim, this would help in bridging the racial gap between Malays and Chinese.
Thus, PERKIM [Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia], a welfare association for Muslims was born, with Tunku Abdul Rahman, Haji Ibrahim Ma, Tan Sri Mubin Sheppard, and Tan Sri Ubaidullah as the founding members. With this, Haji Ibrahim Ma’s work in the path of Islam took another step, and did not stop until his last days.
With his position in Perkim, Haji Ibrahim started his rounds in every corner of Malaysia, giving speeches about Islam in Chinese. He talked on radio, on television, in schools, in non-governmental associations, and even in prisons. In a span of many years he wrote booklets in Chinese, introducing Islam in very simple language, easily understood by any non Muslim reader. These booklets were not sold. They were always, and even until today, are still given free in all the states, all the religious institutions. The titles include:
1. 益斯蘭教問答 [Questions and Answers on Islam],
2. 爲什麽穆斯林不吃豬肉], [Why Muslims Don’t Eat Pork],
3. 伊斯蘭教義與中國傳統思想 [The Teachings of Islam and Traditional Chinese Philosophy],
4. 什麽是伊斯蘭教? [What is Islam?].
His last book ‘Muslims in China’, which he started to write at the age of 75, was written in English.
1. 益斯蘭教問答 [Questions and Answers on Islam],
2. 爲什麽穆斯林不吃豬肉], [Why Muslims Don’t Eat Pork],
3. 伊斯蘭教義與中國傳統思想 [The Teachings of Islam and Traditional Chinese Philosophy],
4. 什麽是伊斯蘭教? [What is Islam?].
His last book ‘Muslims in China’, which he started to write at the age of 75, was written in English.
Apart from these publications, Haji Ibrahim also started a Chinese-English bilingual, bimonthly newspaper called ‘The Light of Islam’, or in Chinese, 回教之光 [Hui Jiao Zhi Guang], later changed to 伊斯蘭之光 [Yi Si Lan Zhi Guang]. He was not only the publisher, but at the same time, the editor, and the main contributor of articles. Once every two months, when the new issue was ready, his gracious wife would sit with mounts of papers, address slips, sheets of stamps, scissors and glue, folding, cutting and sticking addresses and stamps to get them ready for posting to hundreds of subscribers within Malaysia and overseas. Many people will remember Haji Ibrahim and his wife, seated around the large dining table, engrossed in this labor for the love of God. Often, grandchildren who came for a visit would also be enrolled to help in the task. This first Malaysian Islamic newspaper in Chinese was a family commitment for Haji Ibrahim Ma’s family.
In Perkim, Haji Ibrahim Ma was ably assisted by a few other Chinese Muslims, namely Zhao Guo Zhi [趙國治], Hu En Jun [胡恩君], Ma Zhi Bin, and a few others who came on shorter contracts … They were recruited from Taiwan, Libya, Saudi Arabia or other Middle East countries. They did missionary work, counseling for Chinese converts, and Islamic teachings in Mandarin. It is their combined work that is directly responsible to a very big extent, for a positive understanding of Islam by the Chinese in this country, and also for the conversion to Islam by hundreds or even thousands of Malaysian Chinese over the years.
Haji Ibrahim passed away almost two decades ago. But the legacy of his work in Islam is carried on by his children. His eldest daughter Aliya Tung Ma Lin [馬 琳], a lecturer and writer, has published a few books on Islam and is still actively taking part, at the ripe age of 75, in Islamic conferences in various states in the United States where she lives, to give information on Chinese Muslims and Islam in China. His third daughter Minuira Sabki Ma Min [馬 瑉] is actively involved with Wanita Perkim, the women’s branch of Perkim. She served as President of this organisation for many years.His elder son Mustafa Ma Chi [馬 琦 ] is also active in Perkim, and is also currently the President of MACMA, the Chinese Muslims Association of Malaysia. His younger son Nasir Ma Lee [馬 理] is often sought by Chinese friends with children who have embraced Islam, to give advice and clarification on the religion.
In present day Malaysia, Ibrahim Ma and his children are known as a Hui Chinese family who have contributed to the advancement of Islam among the Chinese in Malaysia. They are also a fine example of selective acculturation towards Malay culture, without bordering on assimilation. All of them speak perfect Malay and Mandarin, in addition to English, and even Cantonese and Hokkian, and are very much at home among the Chinese as well as the Malays. They are knowledgeable about the Malay traditions blended in the local Islam, as well as the Chinese, especially Beijing culture, including food.
Among Haji Ibrahim’s children, Ma Min is the only one who married a Malay. Her husband speaks perfect Mandarin and is totally at ease within the Chinese community. The children understand some Mandarin, the daughter more than the sons, even though they shy away from speaking. Two of the sons and the daughter are married to Malays, and at their children’s level, assimilation may begin. But at least three of her grandchildren take Mandarin lessons and are very familiar and fond of the special home cooked Chinese food. However, they do not have any Chinese names. None of the other siblings’ children and grandchildren live in Malaysia, except for the younger son’s family.
Akad nikah wedding ceremony of Shukreen Ma (ex-TV3 newscaster, grand daughter of Ibrahim TY Ma. Her father is Nasir Ma Lee and mother Rosey Ma, dressed in light blue in photo)
Rosey Wang Ma (PhD in Socio-Anthropology). Retrieved from Chinese Muslims in Malaysia – history and development.
Rosey Wang MA is an independent academic researcher and writer on various aspects of Chinese Muslim communities. Of HUI parentage herself, she was raised in Pakistan and Turkey. She was a French language lecturer for more than twenty years before taking up a career in Education Counselling. She still conducts education training programmes. Her doctorate is on: Negotiating Identities: HUI, the Chinese Muslims.
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Saturday, 12 July 2014
Friday, 11 July 2014
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Monday, 7 July 2014
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Dunia Islam Perlu Pengganti Ahmad Deedat
Ahmad Deedat |
Digelar ‘Salahuddin Ayubi abad ke-20’, beliau terkedepan mempertahankan kedaulatan agama dan maruah umat Islam di pentas debat, syarahan dan melalui penulisannya. Penerbitan buku, video, rancangan televisyen dan cakera padatnya dimiliki puluhan juta muslimin di seluruh dunia hingga ke hari ini.
Walaupun berasal daripada keluarga India miskin dan bekerja sebagai jurujual di Afrika Selatan, beliau akhirnya menjadi pendakwah hebat, meyakinkan dan berkesan. Ketajaman hujah, ilmu yang mantap, persediaan rapi, kepetahan berdebat dan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris yang baik membolehkan Sheikh Ahmad Deedat ‘mengalahkan’ seterunya, termasuk Dr Flyod E Clark (1985), Dr Anis Shorrosh di hadapan 12,000 hadirin di Birmingham (1985 dan 1988), paderi Stanley Sjoberg di Sweden (1991) dan Erich Bock di Denmark.
Ajak berdebat
Sheikh Ahmad Deedat pernah mengajak mubaligh Kristian terhebat di zamannya seperti Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell dan Jim Bakker – malah Pope John Paul II – untuk berdebat, namun mereka semua tidak berani.
Paling mengesankan ialah debatnya dengan mubaligh Amerika terkenal, Jimmy Swaggart di Baton Rouge, Louisiana pada 1985. Swaggart, ketika itu memimpin Assemblies of God yang memperoleh pendapatan RM500 juta setiap tahun melalui rancangan televisyennya, dimalukan di depan jutaan penonton. Swaggart, yang pernah menghina Nabi Muhammad dan al-Quran, gagal mempertahan kenyataannya dan tidak mampu menangkis hujah Sheikh Ahmad Deedat bahawa Bible adalah kitab palsu dan lucah.
Untuk menutup malu, dia mengajak berdebat sekali lagi, yakni di Mekah tapi tidak pernah ditunaikan. Swaggart akhirnya mengaku berdosa setelah terbongkar skandal seksnya dengan pelacur pada 1988.
Antara yang terkesan dengan debat Sheikh Ahmad Deedat-Swaggart ialah Dr Kenneth Jenkins, paderi Pentecostal Assemblies of the World di Indiana, yang memeluk Islam dengan nama Abdullah Muhammad al-Furuque. Beliau antara lebih 6,000 orang yang memeluk Islam kerana dakwah Sheikh Ahmad Deedat.
Seorang lagi yang terkesan ialah Dr Zakir Naik, yang mengaku memperoleh semangat dan keberanian melaksanakan tanggungjawab berdakwah daripada Sheikh Ahmad Deedat.
Dr Zakir Naik |
Berani berhujah
Berani dan tanpa apologetik, Sheikh Ahmad Deedat berhujah bahawa Jesus bukan Tuhan, konsep Tri-Tunggal adalah syirik, Jesus sekadar pengsan dan tidak mati di tiang salib, justeru tidak berlaku Resurrection dan pasti tiada Salvation bagi penganut Kristian.
Banyak pihak Kristian (dan Islam) tidak setuju cara agresif Sheikh Ahmad Deedat kerana boleh merosakkan hubungan antara agama. Namun, tindakan beliau perlu dilihat dalam konteks dan suasana zamannya. Serangan, penghinaan dan aktiviti kristianisasi terhadap orang Islam memerlukan orang seperti Sheikh Ahmad Deedat dan kaedah yang beliau guna.
Semasa hidupnya, Sheikh Ahmad Deedat pernah menyediakan Combat Kit: Against Bible Thumpers (1992) untuk melatih orang Islam mempertahankan maruah agama berhubung pelbagai isu.
Kematian beliau pada 2005 meninggalkan ruang yang belum benar-benar terisi. Dunia Islam memerlukan lebih ramai orang berkaliber, hebat dan berani berdebat seperti Sheikh Ahmad Deedat. Beliau pernah ditanya Zakir Naik, yang ketika itu pelajar perubatan di Universiti Mumbai, pada satu majlis di India pada 1987.
Jawabnya: My son, there are two ways of fighting the battle, either with holy water or with fire. I have chosen to fight with fire. If you fight with holy water you are most welcome, but I have chosen the fire.
Andainya beliau masih hidup, pasti isu seperti kalimah Allah akan beliau debatkan dengan paderi Andrew Lawrence, mubaligh Kristian dan penghina Islam, terutama dari DAP.
Justeru ramai bertanya: Akan adakah Sheikh Ahmad Deedat dalam kalangan ulama kita?
Friday, 4 July 2014
Pembaziran Melampau di Ramadhan Ini
“Makanlah di antara rezeki yang baik
yang telah Kami berikan kepadamu
Dan janganlah kamu melampaui batas,
yang menyebabkan kemurkaanKu menimpamu.
Dan barang siapa ditimpa oleh kemurkaanKu,
maka sesungguhnya binasalah dia”
Surah Taha ayat 82
Bagaimana tergamak anda membazir di Ramadhan ini?
Apakah anda lupa bahawa ada segelintir manusia yang memerlukan makanan yang anda buang setiap hari?
Berhentilah membazir.....
Beli sekadar mampu.....
Makan sekadar perlu.....
Ada antara kita yang terpaksa kebumikan anak sendiri kerana mati kebuluran
Tidakkah anda fikir lebih baik untuk kita bawa lebihan makan di negara kita untuk disedekah ke sana?
Perbanyakkanlah sedekah Lillahi Taala
bersempena Ramadhan ini
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